Diabetes Prevention Program
Diabetes Prevention Program is for individuals who are pre-diabetic with blood sugar levels that are higher than normal. It is a year-long program with 22 support classroom sessions. Participants learn about healthy eating and increasing physical activity to reduce risk of diabetes. Individuals who are successful in the program can reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by over 50%!
You can learn more from the CDC and take the Prediabetes risk test by clicking here.
How does the program work?
The Greater Johnstown Community YMCA is partnering with the Conemaugh Health Institute to offer the Diabetes Prevention Program, part of the CDC led National Diabetes Prevention Program. Program staff deliver a CDC-approved curriculum that gets to the root of the diabetes epidemic by helping those at high risk of developing the disease to make lifestyle changes. The program focuses on healthy eating and gradually increasing physical activity. The program goals are to reduce body weight by 7% and increase physical activity by 150 minutes per week.
Participants must meet the following criteria:
• Must be 18 or older,
• Overweight/obese (BMI > 25)
• High risk for developing type 2 diabetes, or have been diagnosed with prediabetes.
Participants receive a FREE 1-year membership to help meet your goals.
Because we believe that programs like the DPP should be affordable for everyone, we offer financial assistance for those who qualify.
To reserve your spot, click the Preregistration button below!